Threat Modeling and Attack Simulation

Identify the threats and vulnerabilities, measure the potential damage each could cause, and devise ways to negate attacks and defend IT resources.

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Threat Modeling Provides
Secure Software

There are many facets of Threat Modeling and attack simulation, and many depend on your organization and vendor relationships. InterSec's Threat Modeling services identify possible security threats and vulnerabilities, measure the potential damage each could cause, and devise ways to negate attacks and defend IT resources.

Our certified experts have years of experience in identifying threats, working in the cybersecurity arena with various standards, and have dealt with mitigating threats over a large scope of services.

We also provide attack simulations based on our threat modeling and assessment of security within your organization to effectively test your security measures' effectiveness.

Benefits of threat modeling and attack simulation?

There are many benefits to having  threat modeling and attack simulation done from InterSec.
Here are a few of the advantages you receive using our  service.
When done correctly, threat modeling provides a clear vision across a project that justifies security efforts. InterSec's threat model allows security decisions to be made rationally, with all the information on the table to be considered. The benefits to going with InterSec's threat modeling services include:
  • Identification of threats with the ease of how to address them.
  • Reduction of application attack surface (or security vulnerabilities).
  • Prioritization of security risks and mitigation efforts.
  • Maintain an accurate and updated risk profile.
  • Promote layered use of defensive tools and remove single points of failure.
  • Aligns Mitigation Strategy with Budgets.
  •  Leverage Expert Threat Intelligence.
  • Improve understanding of cyber-attacks and security practices.

need for Threat Modeling and attack Simulation

Threat modeling is a structured approach to identifying and mitigating the risks inherent in a given situation, balancing the risk of an adverse event with the cost of mitigating that event or its consequences. In addition, threat modeling helps developers to build robust systems that are less likely to suffer an attack. For example, suppose security features are incorporated into these systems via threat modeling. In that case, the application's architecture becomes more resistant to exploitation by malicious entities, who will either move on to easier targets or have only limited success if they target the application in question.  These are the reasons you should consider it.

Security Posture

Our threat modeling results in systematic documentation of your assets. It quantifies info on your system configurations and behaviors. It lets your information be compared against threat intelligence for better preparation and our continuous monitoring will bring a boost to your security.

Improve App Security Posture

Threat modeling for software development also provides tangible benefits for applications at the design level. Our services move beyond just the organization and focus on your applications and software. There will be an increase in Operational Visibility, which will better the quality assurance provided during development.


With our service, which provides a holistic approach to Threat Modeling, Security professionals, managers, and end-users end up collaborating with developers to improve visibility into software as it is being designed or evaluated, increasing resource efficiency.

Mitigate Risk at scale

Our Threat modeling helps identify components of the environment that may be vulnerable to internal initiatives or emerging threats. We then promote the usage of checklists and procedures to help ensure that systems are secure and comply with security guidelines.

Our approach to Threat Modeling and attack simulation

InterSec offers a holistic approach to Threat Modeling and attack simulation to ensure that you have a good view of what risks are posed by certain vendors, and we work with you from there to have proper measures to mitigate them.

the Service

Our experts understand how your applications are used, potential entry points for attackers, and what useful assets are contained within the system. This includes Penetration Testing and an Assessment of all assets within your organization.

Threat Modeling

Upon properly evaluating your services, we customize the Threat Modeling approach we take for your organization specifically. Based on an analysis from our team, we determine which methodology to implement, whether it be STRIDE, PASTA, MITRE, CVSS, or other methodologies, and develop a more specified plan from there.

Categorize and
Rank Threats

Upon assessing all your services, software, and assets, we then categorize and rank the threats to your organization and its information. Based on the ranking, we provide in-depth analysis and insight into dealing with the threats and the best way to mitigate them.

Mitigation  and Countermeasures

Once Threats have been identified, we work alongside your IT Staff and Developers to build appropriate countermeasures and risk mitigation to resolve vulnerabilities. This will include monitoring of your applications to test the effectiveness of countermeasures we put in place.


We operationalize our threat intelligence and perform  Breach and Attack Simulations on your services to ensure these systems withstand attacks. This includes your email gateways, web application gateways, and services specific to your organization to ensure that risk can be mitigated.

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