Identity and Access Management

Provide secure access to the right people for the right reasons at the right time to the right information with our reliable and secure identity and access management solution.

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Resilient Identity and access management solution

Identity and Access Management (IAM) systems determine who is in an organization and access to its tools. Controlled IAM protects the privacy of enterprise information, its availability to authorized individuals, and the integrity of data. Unauthorized users with access to sensitive data is a large problem that our IAM solution mitigates. InterSec's Identity and access management solution facilitates the administration of an organization's identity and access rights by defining, developing, implementing, and automating information access controls, and privileges and ensures that only authorized individuals have access to the right data at the right time and for the right reasons.
Identity and Access Management | IAM Solution

Intersec’s Identity and access management solution

Bespoke IAM solution ensuring security and reducing risks. With our identity and risk management service  you  can be assured of the security of critical information and IT assets. There are number of benefits that our service offers.
IAM Solutions
Reinforce Security  
AM has a host of benefits that improve overall security. For instance, our effective IAM services reinforce points of failure to create a multi-layered system. An instance of this would be implementing a multi–Factored Authentication system instead of using a password. In addition, implementing IAM systems can take a burden of responsibility off of employees.

Safeguard your systems, data, and applications
We use Agile and DevOps methodologies alongside our expertise in the Cybersecurity arena to develop identity and access management solutions throughout your organization. This will strengthen your security and allow you to better manage your systems.  

Multi-Factor Security
Our IAM solutions help enterprises increase the security of their access to systems, using capabilities like fingerprint sensors or facial recognition to bolster the requirements needed to access a system.  

Mitigation of Insider Threats
Insider breaches are on the rise, primarily due to low levels of user scrutiny and a lack of overall control. InterSec's IAM solutions can help mitigate the damage caused by malicious insiders by ensuring users can only access systems they need for their work and that no one is given excessive privileges.

Why do you need InterSec's Identity and Access Management Solutions?

The application of our IAM systems seeks to combine convenience with system security. Here are some of the domains that our IAM services cover:

User Life Cycle Management

User management keeps track of user credentials throughout their employment to determine what permissions they have and when to deactivate them (if an employee moves on from their position). 


With our IAM services, employees no longer have to remember their passwords or make special requests for access to the tools they need to do their jobs well. Employees are managed as a group or role so your IT staff can spend less time managing access and more time doing strategic work.


If a user's password is breached or an email address used to reset a password has been compromised, your organization becomes vulnerable to attack. IAM services narrow the points of failure and backstop them with tools designed to catch mistakes before they become a problem. 

Regulatory Compliance

Authorities enforce strict standards for data security. Your users and organization can ensure that security, tracking, and administrative transparency are a matter of course in your day-to-day operations with InterSec's IAM solution.

features of Our identity and access management service

InterSec's IAM services provide a variety of features that will allow your program to develop quickly and effectively while ensuring that it is robust enough to endure past our assistance. Our features include:

IAM Strategy

We will review your company and its current security measures, policies, and procedures to allow us to create an effective IAM strategy customized to your company with a roadmap of the services to be implemented.

IAM Plan

We will give a timeline and scope upon coming up with an IAM plan for your company that will give you insight into the work needed to implement the various services and guide you to ensure that the timeline is met.

Role and Access Control Framework

We provide a framework that sets up roles within your organization with permissions assigned for each role per need/function, with the requirements your organization has taken into account to form a proper access management framework.

Managed IAM

We will deliver continuous improvements and optimization to your IAM program to keep up with shifting standards, policies, and procedures.

Identity governance and administration

We will optimize the IAM solutions we provide by assisting in Identity Governance and Administration within your organization by defining user identity and access across the enterprise with consistent processes, workflows, and tools.

some of FAq’s about the service

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